Summer 2011

Niagara Falls, ON

6 June 2011

Niagara Falls, ON Niagara Falls, NY

Local Map

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Photographs and Commentary
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As I wrote in yesterday's commentary, we were here to spend more time at the Falls and take in some of the things we didn't do in previous visits. The primary objective was the Maid of the Mist boat ride. You have two choices of boats, the U.S. or Canadian side. The rides are the same take off across from or adjacent to the American Falls and go into the maelstrom below the Horseshoe Falls where you can feel the power of the falling river. You are given plastic ponchos to keep you from getting soaked... ask Susie about how effective they were. The rides lasts for 20 minutes.

There are other tour options including a walk behind the Falls, available on both sides. We decided to forgo the other tours, primarily because they involved a lot of walking on stairs and I was not about to create problems with my knee this early in this trip... we have a lot more walking to do. Originally we had planned to cross the Rainbow Bridge into Niagara Falls, NY and view the Falls from that side. The view from the Canadian side is the best with a clear view of both Falls. Because of the the way the river angles from the Falls, the New York view of Horseshoe Falls is limited.

We did, however, go across the Rainbow Bridge to an outlet mall in Niagara Falls, NY because we needed to get some things. Next door to the Outlet Mall was a Walmart and we did some grocery shopping to fill in with items we forgot to bring to the trailer.

Not a really rough day. Tomorrow, on to the northern side of Michigan's Lower Peninsula.

We will upload this page tomorrow because the bandwidth in this campground won't allow it. In the campground Web site it is stated that they will throttle the bandwidth of anyone using more than average bandwidth. Uploading yesterday's page was a problem even though there were no pictures included.

Overviews of the Falls

The view from an observation deck on the Canadian side

This was our first view of the Falls from street level

The American Falls

View from the deck of the Maid of the Mist. The narrow falls on the right side are called the Bridal Vail Falls

American based "Maid" passing the American Falls as viewed from the Canadian dock

American Falls as seen from an observation tower on the Canadian side

Horseshoe Falls/Canadian Falls

Horseshoe Falls, also know as the Canadian Falls as seen from an observation tower on the Canadian side. The Maid of the Mist is obscured by the mist. We got a real soaking as we got in close and that is the reason you won't see close up pictures... I wasn't about to risk soaking the camera which was better protected under the poncho than either Susie or me.

Susie looking like she stepped out of the shower provided by the Horseshoe Falls


Other views

Niagara Falls, ON and the power station

Rainbow Bridge, the connection between Niagara Falls, NY and Niagara Falls, ON

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